Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 5...

"Nothing seems impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." June 5... This is what my silly calendar says today. The name of my calendar book is If you want breakfast in bed...sleep in the kitchen! It's filled will homurous quotes and statements, but the one today struck me different. Ya know, this is so very true...when we are letting God be God in our lives. I'm finding myself in some "impossible" situations lately. I get all work up...(this phrase just doesn't emcompass what I do to myself!!)..., trying to figure out how I'm going to fix it. I seem to have alot of things that need fixin, but truly what needs fixin is my perspective - shifting my focus to the One where all things are possible! (ok, my thought pattern left me so I'm gonna let you guys pick up where I left off!) LOL

1 comment:

Hannah Hoffmann said...

I like that quote. It is definitely a good reminder.