Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh the things that amaze little boys...

I was blessed this weekend by getting to go to a women’s retreat. My mom and Joshua kept the children. Saturday night, Joshua and Joseph were lying in the bed. Joshua didn’t get home until about 10:00 and really wanted to go straight to bed, but Joseph had other plans. Joseph likes to talk. And talk, and talk. If he can’t find anyone to talk to, he’ll begin talking to himself (outloud)! He was talking to Joshua and it went something like this… “Daddy, you sure have been working a lot. Are you tired? (uh huh) Ya know, God works a lot too, all the time, but never gets tired. (uh huh) God is so big, but He can do anything He wants. (oh really) Do you know He can even get as tiny as your boogers if He wants to?!” You can imagine where the conversation went from there!


Pajama Mama said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is hysterical!!!

Hannah Hoffmann said...

Do you wonder all the time where their minds have to wander to get back to the things that come out of their mouths? It's totally unbelievable.

KateVonGlahn said...

That's nice. David told me he sucked his booger up through his nose and it went down his throat. Almost threw up typing this.