Friday, September 5, 2008

Monday extended...

I write this to either sympathize with you having a rough day or to make you feel better that you day hasn’t been as bad as mine…
4:00 am – wake up with a sinus migraine
7:30 am – get the children off to school
8:00 am – realize that Joshua isn’t getting out of the bed bcs he thinks he might have the virus
10:15 am – slam my finger in the door (which is now completely purple, and I can still feel my heartbeat in the tip of it)
11:30 am – Joshua calls – he’s throwing up and needs some Gatorade
12:00 pm – go to store to get aforementioned Gatorade only to realize that I don’t have my debit card
12:15 pm – arrive at home with no Gatorade and grab debit card
And by this point I’ve lost all since of time
I go to Riteaid to drop prescriptions and grab some saline solution for aforementioned Sinus issues.
I get in my van – it won’t crank…I call sick husband, who calls carquest to bring me a battery, BUT they can’t come bcs everyone is at lunch, which reminds me that I’m kinda hungry myself.
I call mom to pick me up – she had to jump out of the shower just to answer the phone, so needless to say, she would be awhile.
I decide to walk back to work – it’s two blocks and 90 degrees outside – I have on jeans, clogs, an undershirt and long sleeved shirt on (it’s freezing in my office!)
Sometime during the chaos, I found out that the children’s ride home from school fell through.
I finally get to said office, grab a company car to finish running my errands, which includes going to bank, and I just so happen to grab the vehicle whose driver side window doesn’t roll down.
My one hour lunch turned into an 1 ½ hour lunch of which I settle for a really gross chicken wrap from BK and totally forgot the Gatorade. It’s now 2:15, and I still haven't figured out how my children are getting home or how I'm going to get my car *sigh*…perhaps my evening will pan out a little better.


KateVonGlahn said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry. That sounds horrible. Do you still need gatorade? I have some mix.

Hannah Hoffmann said...

Ooh, now that is deifnitely a bad day. I hope your Saturday is going much better!