Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring Break

I’m still officially on strike, and my house is coming together…painting, ripping up carpet, pics being hung, all that good stuff I never got around to (we moved in with a 6 years old, 4 years old and 1 year old…need I say more?) Even Joshua is getting into the mood…yea!! The children have been on spring break this week. Hannah has been in the mountains with a friend. She has developed my since of adventure… you say the word go and she is going, she doesn’t care where or how long. I think she’s coming home today. I’ve only spoken to her a couple of times via text messaging, she is not the slightest bit homesick. Lauren has been hanging out around the house, from one family member to the next, a friend here and a friend there. She likes to go, but likes to come home too…especially to her own bed! Joseph is a complete homebody. He is perfectly content at home. If he does go, he’s ready to go right then, see the sights, say he has been there, done that and go back home. Now, he will go anywhere with his superhero dad who (whom, whatever) can kill any beast with his bare hands, who owns all the lands, who is faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than steel, and whose truck never runs out of gas (have no idea where that came from!!)…

1 comment:

KateVonGlahn said...

Sounds lik progress at your house! I need to come see.