Monday, December 8, 2008


So, I've had an "Aha..." moment. In my last post, I said that I felt homesick. At lunch today, I went into the local bookstore across the street - this will make only the 2nd time since its existence that I've crossed the threshold of the business. I was in the market for a journal, and it was convenient, so there you go. The journals were on the bottom shelf, and as I was hunched down a stole a glance to the next shelf. Right before my eyes was the title "HOMESICK..." Hum, what's this about? It was the gift book of Mercy Me's song entitled "Homesick." Needless to say...this book was going home with me.

For about a year and 4 months, I've been in a funk that I really, until today, couldn't figure out. And I certainly have NOT figured it all out in one lunch hour, but I do think I've been given a launch to speak. I've been quite weary...on a pilgrim's quest of some kind - information and circumstantial overload. There is just something that hasn't been quite adding up, nor do I think it ever will this side of heaven. But FINALLY an English word that can sort of sum up what I feel…Homesick.

1 Corinthians 13:12 sums it up best. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known.”

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