Friday, February 3, 2012

...hello, anyone home?

Hello?....hello? Anyone home? Almost 2 years from my last post. Sad really.

So I happened upon my blog this morning and among lots of other things I had written. And wow, I hardly even recognize the person writing those words or the little ones she's talking about. We've grown up in the last 2 years...alot~!

Let's see. I suppose this is alot like scrapbooking, and I just need to pick up where I am at the moment. Um...the basics, Hannah is 14 and will turn 15 in August. Lauren just turned 12. Joseph will be 9 in March. We still laugh alot, however I can't remember and thing to write about in this moment.

Um...this week we all laughed at me playing mortal combat on the X-Box. I really get into it, and the really exciting moves that I do are completely random as I have no idea what I'm doing. I just push buttons and lots of them.

Um....I currently have clothes all over my bed, the den chair, the dryer and still in the hamper. How on earth do we where so many clothes in such a short amount of time? And, how come we have all these clothes, yet socks are no where to be found?

Um...I have blonde/brown hair again, instead of red. It was fun, but I think it's out of my system now. Joshua is alot more gray...hahaha...wonder why?

Um....Hannah is still referred to "Grace" as in her aging, she stills doesn't have a graceful bone in her body. Just this week, she managed to knock my full coffee cup over as we were walking out the door one morning. The cup was plastic and when it hit the floor...explosion. I even looked up to see if some had gotten on the ceiling. That was a lovely mess to have to come home at 5 and clean up! Lauren is graceful and plays the piano beautifully. She is very witty and you have to listen closely to catch the humor. Joseph is ALL boy. He loves to fish, hunt, play video games....and did I say hunt? He is really funny...wait...that's not the right word...entertaining suits him better. I swear sometimes he's not from this planet...he's not the best at thinking things through.

Um...our dog Buck plays with the yard pheasants. I hope I can catch it on camera soon. It's quite the game of cat and mouse.

And, God...well, He is ever so near, ever so good, and ever so faithful. :)

1 comment:

The Journey said...

Good to see you back in the game! I took a hiatus too it seems, months not years though :P