Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Explain to me why my son, who has been going to school for almost 3 solid months, who does the SAME routine every night, that when I say, “Do you have your school uniform laid out, including your socks and shoes?” And he then replies, “Yes Ma’am,” that by any stretch of the imagination, he thinks that socks and FLIP FLOPs are appropriate! Therefore, when morning comes, he pulls his little trick and then looks at me like I’m crazy that there is steam coming out of my ears, especially when he can’t find either pair of his tennis shoes! That he thinks he might have left them at Aaron’s, outside, to which they have now been rained on! And now I’m having to problem solve at 6:45 in the morning!!! I don’t like to problem solve in the morning, hence the routine at night, whereby you lay out your uniform, including your socks and TENNIS SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pajama Mama said...

I tagged you on my blog. Go see!

Did you find a white shirt?

The Journey said...


I was that kid too!

Christy Ward said...

Mental note for when Andrew tries to pull that trick!